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Download the Casebook Guide to Grant Funding Success

Get your free guide and learn how to maximize grant funding to support your growing nonprofit.

In the video below, we show an overview of how you can use Casebook to build grant reports!


Get Your Free eBook

Increase your organization's impact and grow sustainably with capacity-building grants. 

One cornerstone of strong organizational growth is strategically increasing capacity. Successful programmatic implementation is the vehicle that drives your mission and vision, but the institutional support of an organization is equally as important.

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Support communication and transparency with meaningful reporting. 

Communicating with funders is key to ensuring you maintain good standing with their organization. Much of institutional giving is based on the promises you are making to these sources, and equally important, is how you communicate with founders on your progress.


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Casebook PBC develops purpose-built software solutions for human & social services case management. Casebook Solutions take into account the need for secure, mobile-ready software and scalable per-user pricing.