NEW Feature: You can now upload attachments to a Person Profile, which are filterable by a thumbnail grid or list view.
NEW Feature: In the relationship section, you can hover over the people and see full contact information (phone, email, address, DOB) without clicking on the profile. You can also upload and view profile pictures for provider people.
NEW Feature: Notification settings are now available to turn off/on for cb Intake and cb Track. Email notifications are default on for all users.
IMPROVEMENT Feature: Expanded search to highlight partial search terms (i.e. part of a name), people created from an intake report, and a provider’s location.
NEW Feature: For Service Referrals, you can designate a person the “primary applicant” with the touch of a button
IMPROVEMENT Feature: When you add a new person, you can add more detailed information right from the Inquiry Report or Service Referral. Examples include: race & ethnicity, additional contact information, languages spoken and SSN.