Subscriptions: How your subscription usage works

When you purchase your Casebook subscription, you purchase one or more types of access to our service. This article helps you understand the levels of service.

"Paid" or "Full" User:

You'll sometimes see us reference your "paid" or full users.  This refers to someone who is using Casebook to track their work with your clients, documenting services referred or provided, entering information about people, or administering the business processes -- like changing configurations, viewing reports, and so on. 

Usage Expectation: Unlimited use of Casebook, based upon the permissions that your administrator provides them.  

Examples: Engage Observer, Engage Supervisor, Engage Worker, Intake Observer, Intake Supervisor, Intake Worker, Provider Observer, Provider Supervisor, Provider Worker, Reporting Observer, Admin.

Portal User:

Someone who is outside of your organization that uses the Casebook Portal to collaborate with your organization and document information about themselves or a client they are working with. 

Usage Expectation: Unlimited use of Casebook Portal only.

Examples: Application Portal User and Provider Portal User.


A volunteer user represents discounted access for non-staff users who need very limited access to Casebook enter data on a time-restricted basis.  This is not someone who regularly works in your organization.  
This user can access Casebook for up to 12 hrs a month.

Usage Expectation: 3 hours or less a week.

Examples: Someone who may be working a clothing drive or someone who is giving a child or person a ride to an appointment. 

Report Writer:

Someone who is able to access, edit, and create reports derived from data entered into the Casebook platform.   Most accounts have limits on the number of Report writers or "Report Admins".  For customers who want to increase the number of this user type, they can reach out to their CSM or support to add on to their subscription.

Usage Expectation: Unlimited use of Reporting

Admin Only User:

A free user that comes with our Enterprise Packages. This is typically an individual who will  access cb Admin, configuration Casebook platform, and activate and de-activate users. *This user may access other applications within Casebook during the Onboarding process, but must restrict access after onboarding completion in order to avoid being counted as a Full User.*

Usage Expectation: Unlimited Admin Access