Dashboard Filter - Date Range

cb Reporting supports enabling a range of dates as dashboard filters to bind your data too.

How to Create a Dashboard Date Range Filter:

  1. From the Dashboard, select the three ellipses, then select edit.
  2. Select Add Filter +, then select Add Date Filter.
  3. Begin by adding the name of your new filter by selecting the pencil icon.
  4. Determine how you would like to filter this dashboard.
  5. Determine which specific reports you wish to connect to this data filter and select Connect.
  6. Finally, select Create Filter to save.  

Using Custom Date Ranges

cb Reporting offers a variety of pre-set date ranges (including the last 30, 7, or 365 days, among others), but you might want to define your range to see data within a specific date range. Selecting the Custom Date Range in the Date Filter dropdown to see a calendar with personalized day, month, and age options.

To see these steps in action, check out this video below: