Privacy: How to set up User Roles and Permissions to protect your Client data

Every user in Casebook can have one or more roles, which dictates what they can see or do in Casebook. Some roles come with Casebook by default. You can make your own custom roles too.

These are the roles that are automatically available to use:

  • Admin
  • Application Portal User
  • Engage Observer
  • Engage Supervisor
  • Engage Worker 
  • Intake Observer
  • Intake Supervisor
  • Intake Worker
  • Provider Observer
  • Provider Portal User
  • Provider Worker
  • Provider Supervisor
  • Reporting Admin
  • Reporting Observer


Each role has certain permissions. The permissions are:

  • Create: This allows users to create things. For example, users can create provider profiles in cb Track, create applications in cb Access, etc.
  • Edit: This allows users to edit things. For example, users can edit details in provider profiles in cb Track, edit details in person profiles, etc.
  • Delete: This allows users to delete things. For example, users can delete provider profiles in cb Track, delete people from the system, etc.
  • View: This allows users to view things. For example, users can view provider profiles in cb Track, view person profiles, etc.
  • User's Assignments Only: Available in cb Engage and cb Intake, this allows users to only View, Edit, or Delete records that are assigned to them. For example, users will only be able to access records assigned to themselves, other records will be blocked from access. 

User's Assignments Only FAQ

  • How can the options I see ‘All, None, User assignments only’ help me as a Casebook user?
    The level of access to records is dependent on the option you choose among All, None, or User Assignment’s only.
    As a Casebook Admin user, if the need be, you can restrict different users/team members from accessing (in any capacity i.e viewing, editing, creating, or deleting) the cases that are not assigned to them. Alternatively, you can choose to allow all the users to access all the cases too., ‘User assignments only’ help you to ensure the privacy of information and make information available only to the intended authorized users. With this feature, you will have more flexibility to set up a structure for the data available on the platform.
  • If I am authorized to view and edit only my assigned cases, can I still search and view details of my colleague’s assigned cases?
    Partially yes. We allow any user to search across all cases on the CBP. Assignment-based authorization impacts what cases you can access.A user who can view and edit only their assigned cases, will be prevented from viewing all the details of the cases not assigned to them.
  • Can I access the people's profiles on only cases assigned to me?
    People profiles are the core of CBP. In the first release of assignment-based authorizations, we do not restrict the user to access any person's profile. We plan to support more and more granular control of  authorization over time. Shall you have a different business need, please reach out to Casebook support and let us know of your requirements.What sections on the case will be restricted to edit, if the authorizations do not allow editing a case?
    If the concerned user does not have authorization to edit a specific case, the user will not be allowed to edit any section of the case (master details, notes, meetings, narratives, workflows, tasks, history, etc.)
  • Would assignment-based authorizations apply only to primary assignee or all the case assignees?
    Assignment-based permissions are applicable to each case assignee. If the role assigned to any of the case assignee prevents them from accessing the case, the user will not be able to access the case, irrespective of the user being a primary or non-primary assignee.
  • Can I restrict users from editing people's profiles on just the assigned cases?
    People’s profiles are the core of the CBP. You can restrict the user from creating or not creating the people’s profiles. Currently, we do not support assignment-based authorizations on People profiles.

How to manage Roles and Permissions in cb Admin: