Visualization Types

cb Reporting supports several visualization types to help you display your data. Learn more about the various options below.

Category Charts

A category chart is a visualization option used to associate categories with quantitative information.Screen Shot 2021-12-29 at 11.22.25 AM

Map Charts

A map chart is a visualization option used to depict statistical data in divided geographical areas or regions. Each area on the map is filled with uniform color in relation to a data variable.

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Financial Charts

A financial chart is a visualization option for displaying financial movements during a full day.

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Gauge Charts

A gauge chart is a visualization option for displaying a single value, or a list of values, comparing them with range thresholds. A gauge chart also allows for conditional formatting of the different ranges.Screen Shot 2021-12-29 at 11.22.34 AM

Grid Chart

A grid chart is a visualization option for displaying data, which presents the information in a matrix.

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Scatter and Bubble Charts

A scatter chart is a visualization option to represent the relationship between two quantitative measures by plotting data points along the X (horizontal) and Y (vertical) axes. They are particularly useful for demonstrating patterns in large datasets.

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Time Charts

A time chart is a visualization option for displaying data points indexed in time order. It is commonly used to detect trends at a glance, allowing easy observation of development over time.

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Other Charts

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