Understanding and Using Audit Logs

Concerned about preparing for audits or ensuring your data remains accurate and reliable? Audit Logs is here to provide the solution you need.

What are Audit Logs? | Benefits of Audit Logs | How to use Audit Logs

What are Audit Logs?

Think of Audit Logs as a detailed logbook for your casework. They automatically track every action taken within a case file. This includes:

  • Who made changes (usernames)
  • When changes were made (timestamps)
  • Exactly what was changed (descriptions of actions)

Benefits of Audit Logs
  • Enhanced Transparency & Accountability: Audit logs provide a clear picture of who made changes, what was changed, and when. This fosters trust within your organization and ensures everyone is on the same page regarding case data.
  • Unwavering Data Integrity: Track every modification made to case data, demonstrating the accuracy and reliability of your records. This is invaluable during audits and helps ensure compliance with regulations.
  • Effortless Compliance Documentation: Audit logs serve as a built-in record of your adherence to regulations and best practices. This saves you time and resources during audits and inspections.
  • Proactive Irregularity Detection: Identify unusual activity or unauthorized access to maintain the integrity of your case management processes.

Use Cases for Audit Logs

  • Preparation for Audits: Review user activity and address potential compliance gaps before auditors arrive.
  • Investigating Specific Users: Audit individual user actions to track specific cases, providers, services, and their resources.
  • Auditing a Person's Case: Focus on a specific client and review all activity related to their case, including notes, attachments, and meetings.
  • Tracking Organizational Resources: Monitor interactions with service providers and their programs, including notes, attachments, and meeting details.

Who has access to Audit Logs?

Currently, Audit Logs are available for Enterprise plan users only. Admins can access this feature within the Admin section.

How to Use Audit Logs in Admin:

Step 1: Accessing the Audit Logs

  1. Navigate to Admin Section: Once logged in, navigate to the Admin section of the Casebook platform.Screenshot 2024-06-21 at 2.12.25 PM

Step 2: Filtering and Searching Logs

  1. Filter Options: Use available filter options to narrow down the logs. You can filter by:

    • Application (Required): Where is the data you are looking for Engage, Intake, Providers, People?  
    • Record (Required): The name of the record to see all related activities.
    • Date Range (Required): Specify the start and end dates for the audit logs you want to view.
    • User: Enter the user email address to view actions performed by a specific user.
    • Action: Choose the type of actions you are interested in, such as data modification, creation, or deletion.

Step 3: Reviewing Detailed Logs

  1. Log Entries: Each log entry will display detailed information including:

    • Timestamp: The date and time when the action occurred.
    • User ID: The ID of the user who performed the action.
    • Action Description: A brief description of the action taken.
    • Affected Resources: Details of the resources affected, such as case files, notes, services, or attachments. (More detailed resources in forthcoming version 2 of Audit Log)
  2. Expand Log Entries: Click on individual log entries to expand and view more detailed information if needed.

    Screenshot 2024-06-21 at 2.37.43 PM

Step 4: Analyzing and Exporting Logs

  1. Analyze Logs: Review the logs to identify patterns, anomalies, or specific actions of interest. This helps in preparing for audits and ensuring compliance.
  2. Export Logs: If required, use the export feature to download the audit logs for further analysis or to provide documentation during an audit. Export options include CSV format.

Understanding the Results

The results that are returned will be based on the data you queried. Here’s an example of how to interpret the data returned when searching for a case that recently had a service enrollment added.Screenshot 2024-07-01 at 9.03.55 PM-2Example: Case with Service Enrollment Added

In the results, you can see case details along with an expanded section for the sub-resource “Service Enrollments”. In this expanded area, you’ll notice data around the service enrollment added to the J. Sullivan Case, including:

  • Text field values such as Total Cost and Units.
  • IDs of associated resources in Casebook such as the Service Offering, Service Type, and Person.

Main Casebook Resources

The following are key resources that you might see in the audit logs:

  • Cases
  • Reports (Intake)
  • Providers
  • People
  • Service Enrollment
  • Service Interaction (Service Notes)
  • Notes
  • Assignments
  • Emails
  • SMS
  • Forms
  • Attachments
  • Calendar Events (Meetings)
  • Relationships
  • Tasks
  • Workflows

Non-User Initiated Changes

There will be other resources that appear in the audit logs that are not a result of user-initiated changes, such as:

  • Resource Email: This refers to the unique record email address that can be used to email information into Casebook. This email address is created on the backend upon the creation of each record and is logged as part of our data model.

Additional Resources

For a more in-depth exploration of Audit Logs and their functionalities, check out our exclusive "Audit Logs " video below.