People: Create a Person Profile

In Casebook, you have the ability to create a "Person Profile" for the clients you work with. This profile serves as a centralized location where workers and administrators can gather and store important information about the client.

 The Person Profile provides a comprehensive view of the client's details, allowing for easy access and reference. By having all the valuable client information in one place, it helps streamline and enhance the work of the case workers and administrators, enabling them to better serve and support the clients.

Note: Only users with permissions to create a Person will be able to do so. 

You can create people in multiple areas of the Casebook Platform:

  • Intake
    • Once you have opened a new Intake Report, you are able to take notes on your first interaction with a person in the Narrative section. 
      • If you've included the person in your notes collected, once you've Processed the narrative of your conversation - Casebook is able to suggest a person profile to be associated with the report.  
      • If the person already exists in Casebook, you can select their profile from the list. If the person is new to your organization, you can create a profile by selecting Create Person
      • Next, select the + icon to Add the Recommended Match
  • Engage 
    • Within a case record, navigate to the People section. 
      • Select the + icon at the right-hand side of this section to add a person to the case. 
      • Begin by entering the person's name in the Person field. If the person already exists in Casebook, you can select their profile from the list. If the person is new to your organization, you can create a profile by selecting Create Person
      • Enter the additional required information, such as Case Involvement, Role, and Effective Date. Then select Save from the right-hand action menu. 
  • Track 
    • Within a provider record, navigate to the Clients section.
      • Select the + icon at the right-hand side of this section to associate a client with this provider through a service enrollment. 
      • Begin by entering the person's name in the Clients field. If the person already exists in Casebook, you can select their profile from the list. If the person is new to your organization, you can create a profile by selecting Create New Person
      • Enter the additional required information, such as Service. Then select Save. 
  • People 
    • From the People Workload View, select the + icon in the bottom right-hand corner.
    • Enter the information that your organization needs to track, keeping in mind that First and Last Name are required fields. 
    • Select Save

Duplicate Prevention 

The Duplicate Prevention feature alerts users to potential duplicates based on name, SSN/SIN (government ID), email address, and phone number matches during the creation of a person. 

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Duplicate prevention provides clear warnings when potential duplicate records are detected. This user-friendly interface allows you to either select matching records or proceed with creating a new entry, ensuring data integrity while maintaining flexibility. By using this feature, you can maintain accurate and reliable client data, streamline workflows, and improve overall efficiency in your case management processes.