Should I add fields to a Case Record or to the Person Profile?
If the field in question relates to the details of a person, it is best practice to add these fields to the Person Profile. Since Casebook is Person Centric, keeping fields that relate to a person on the Person Profile will ensure that this data is linked to the client. If the field in question relates to a Case, it is best practice to add these fields to the Case Record.
Do I need to use Dynamic fields in order to use Casebook?
No, the Dynamic fields feature is totally optional. If you are satisfied with the field labels and fields available to you in Casebook, you do not need to make any changes on dynamic fields.
What will I see in reporting for edited labels or new fields? Will I be able to run reports on these fields?
Yes, you are able to report on dynamic fields.
Why does the trash can icon only show up for some fields, but not all? What if I want to delete a field that doesn't have that icon?
Some fields within Casebook are required in order for the application to function properly, and for other features such as search or workload views to load properly. These fields are not able to be removed from the form at this time to ensure your instance of Casebook does not break.
Will deleted fields also delete the data?
No, deleting fields from a form on ‘Dynamic pages’ will not delete any entered data on records. It will delete the field from being visible on the form, but the data will persist in the database. If the deleted field is added back into the form again at a later time, the data that was entered originally will appear again.
If I navigate away from the ‘Dynamic pages’ page without saving, do I lose my changes?
Yes, if you navigate away from this page before clicking the ‘save’ button in the right-hand navigation, you will lose any changes you’ve made. If you know you want to persist changes on the form, always click ‘save’ to commit the changes and see them reflected in the business application for end-users.
When should I use the 'single checkbox' field type vs. the 'yes/no question' field type?
This depends on how you expect your workers to enter the data, and how you'd like to report on the data:
- When using a 'single checkbox' field type, there is no way to differentiate if a worker left the checkbox blank because the field did not apply, or if they left it blank because it was skipped over accidentally or never asked.
- When using a 'yes/no question' field type, you can differentiate if a worker left the field blank (neither yes nor no was selected) or if the question was asked and a positive or negative response was captured (yes or no radio button was selected).
Additionally, in cb Reporting:
- 'single checkbox' field type values will only show a count of how many boxes are checked (and this will show up as 'yes' in cb reporting)
- 'yes/no field question' field type values will show 2 values: yes or no
If your organization needs to capture a yes or no answer for a field, and you require a count of each no and yes, you should utilize the 'yes/no field question'. If your organization just needs a tally of how many times a checkbox has been checked, you can use the 'single checkbox' option.
Is there a maximum character limit for custom dynamic fields?
Yes, custom dynamic fields in reporting have a maximum limit of 8,164 characters. If you exceed this limit, the field data will not appear in your report.
Still have questions or need help? Check out our Overview on Dynamic Fields here. Otherwise, if you can't find something you're looking for reach out to our support team.