How to Join Data Sets

Joining datasets can allow you to report on multiple areas of data in one single place.

Check out our interactive Dataset Joining Guide for assistance on which fields to use, then follow the steps below: 

  1. In the report builder, select add visualization
  2. Select Casebook Platform as your data source to proceed
  3. Select the Views tab to see the casebook datasets
  4. Select the first dataset you want to build a report from 
  5. On the left-hand side of the page, select the green + icon 
  6. Select the second data set you want to include 
  7. Next, you need to join the two data sets on a common value - please use a unique identifier like the person_id or the case_id to avoid bringing in duplicates
  8. Once you selected a common field to join the two datasets together you will see a list of fields available to choose from the second data set
  9. Select as many of the fields you want to pull into the report. When you are done hit the checkmark icon to save
  10. Now you will have two sources of data in the Fields menu on the left-hand side of the report builder
  11. You can proceed with building your report

To see these steps in action, see the video below: