Intake Workload View

The Intake Workload View enables users to access reports that workers have entered into the system. Users can find specific reports quickly and easily using filters.

Workload View

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The workload view displays reports along with the following information:

  • Report Name: Each report has a report name that users create.
  • Report Type: The workload view shows which of three types of reports this report is. The three report types are Inquiry, Incident, and Service referral.
  • Report Method/Date: Casebook tracks each report with the date and time that the user created a report, as well as the method that the reporter used to report the incident, such as: Walk in or Email.
  • Report Status: You can find out the status of each report, such as: In Progress or Submitted.
  • Decision: If a screening decision (i.e., Screened In) has been made, you will see it in this section. 
  • Response Time: How long it took to respond to the report.
  • Response Type: The type of response provided.
  • Associated Case(s): Links to one or more cases related to the report.
  • People: People involved in the report.
  • Main Applicant: The person who submitted the report.
  • Referral Source: Where the report came from.
  • Assignee: The person assigned to the report.
  • Created On: When the report was created.
  • Last Updated: The most recent date the report was updated.
  • Submitted Date: When the report was officially submitted.


Users can apply filters to the Workload View to help view specific intake reports. To apply a filter to the Workload View, click on the Filter(s) button in the upper left-hand corner.

Note: Multiple filters can be applied at one time. 

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How Filters Work
Filters help you find specific reports based on certain criteria. Here's what you need to know:

  • AND Logic: If you apply multiple filters using "AND," the report has to meet all the conditions you set. For example, if you filter by "Report Type: Inquiry" AND "Status: In Progress," only reports that match both of these conditions will appear.
  • OR Logic: If you use "OR" logic, reports that meet any of the conditions you set will show up. So if you filter by "Report Type: Inquiry" OR "Status: In Progress," you’ll see any reports that are either an Inquiry or In Progress.

You can choose either AND or OR logic, but you can’t mix both at the same time.

External Filters vs. Datagrid Filters
There are also two types of filters: External Filters (like "My Work" or "Unassigned") and Datagrid Filters (filters you apply directly to the columns). Here’s how they work together:

  • External Filters: These filters use OR logic. For example, if you select both "My Work" and "Unassigned," the system will show you reports that are either assigned to you or unassigned.
  • Datagrid Filters: If you use these filters after applying External Filters, the system will clear any External Filters you set. It’s best to apply all your filters in one go using the Datagrid to avoid losing your settings.

Tip: If you want to filter by "My Work" and then narrow it down further by report type, apply all the filters using the Datagrid to avoid resetting anything.

How to Apply Filters

  1. Click on the Filters button at the top of the screen.
  2. Select the filters you want to use from the available dropdown lists.
  3. Apply multiple filters to get a more specific view of your reports.

Example: You can filter by Assignee, Report Type, and Report Status all at once to find specific reports your team is working on.

Adding New Intake Records:

You can add new records directly from this workload view by choosing the plus icon in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen. From there, a new screen will appear, asking you to input the necessary details of that intake

Exporting Data from the Intake Workload View

We’ve added Export Functionality to the Intake WLV, allowing you to download your filtered data as a CSV file. This is especially useful for sharing intake data with your team or keeping records of your workload.

How to Export Data:

  1. Apply the filters you need to narrow down the intakes you want to export.
  2. Click the Export button at the top of the Intake WLV.
  3. Your data will be downloaded as a CSV file, which you can open in Excel or any other spreadsheet program.

Need Help?

The updated Intake WLV makes it easy to tailor your view and manage intake reports. If you need any assistance, feel free to reach out to our support team at