People: Relationships

Relationships can show an individual's connections and their support system.

Relationships can be viewed in cb Engage, and managed on a Person's Profile.

Relationships are categorized into:

  • Family (i.e. Foster parent, Grandparent, Custodial Parent, Intimate/Ex Partner)
  • Informal Support (i.e. Mentor, Babysitter)
  • Formal Support (i.e. Therapist, Social Worker, Supervisor)

Benefits of adding relationships for clients 

  • See at a glance who is connected to a client. By adding family relationships, formal and informal support you can get a bigger picture of a client's support network. 
  • Grab contact information easily. By hovering over the name of a person you can see their phone, email, and/or address (if known).
  • Help clients identify who their support is as they navigate programs and accomplish case goals.

To create and edit a client's relationship network, follow the steps below:

  1. From the Person Profile, select the edit icon. Screen Shot 2023-02-03 at 9.49.34 AM

  2. Enter in the required information: Person who you are wanting to link to the client, and type of relationship. You can include relationship dates here as well. Screen Shot 2023-02-03 at 9.50.51 AM
  3. You can add additional relationship by selecting Add Another Relationship. Screen Shot 2023-02-03 at 9.50.51 AM 3
  4. When you are finished, select Save.Screen Shot 2023-02-03 at 9.50.51 AM 2