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  2. Program Area Specific

Tracking Repeatable Mass Services in Casebook

This article will give you some suggestions on how to track repeatable mass services in Casebook.

There are multiple ways that your organization can repeatable mass services in Casebook. This article will go over some suggestions on how to do so. Please note that this is a list of suggested ways, and these items can be altered to fit your organization's needs. 

  • cb Intake: 

    • This largely depends on if your organization works with every client or organization that inquires with you or if you need to screen out based on eligibility. This can also depend on how you receive data about prospective clients. 

  • cb Engage: 

    • Create a case per client (if necessary). This largely depends on the type of work your organization is doing. Do you intend on working with the client long term and need case-specific information on them? 

  • cb Track: 

    • Use Track as your daily driver, adding clients to services through the provider record.

    • Create and log Service Notes from the provider record. Service notes will only associate with the provider if no case is created for the client with a matching service enrollment. 

    • Steps for if you do not know who will use the service: (Ex. showers, shelter beds, food pantry)

      • 1st time a client comes to your organization, enroll the client into the service they are receiving from the provider record. 

      • Any additional times the client comes in, create and log a Service Note from the provider record to indicate attendance. 

    • Steps for if you do know who will use the service: (Ex. daycare, classes) 
      • Create a service enrollment for each client who should be receiving the service on a case. 
      • Enable the rostering feature on the service offering to include these clients on Service Notes automatically. 
    • Use Service Offering Scheduling to define set start and end times for services. 
  • Reporting: 

    • Can use the Service Enrollments, Notes, Service Notes, and Service Notes Recipients datasets to provide a comprehensive view of all information about the person and services they attend, as well as how many times a service was used.

    • If needed, you can also add in the People, and Case Involvements datasets to get a more holistic picture of the client. 

    • Notes View:

      • The notes view contains basic information about the note (author, start/end date, person etc) but will not include the more detailed information that comes on a service note. This view has one row per note per person associated with the note. This means if you have a service note with 3 people on it, you will see 3 rows for that note with the same information in each row with the exception of the person-specific fields (like person_name, person_id, is_regarding, and person_present).

      • This view is best used when trying to understand all notes.

      • Examples may be: How many notes has XX person written this week? How often has XX case had notes written about it?

      • You will be able to see the group_note_narrative, but in the notes view, it is simply called narrative. You will not be able to pull the personal_note_narrative from the notes view at this time.

    • Service Notes View:

      • The Service Notes View contains all of the details you would find from the service note. This includes units, unit_cost, and total_cost. In this view, if you have a service note with 3 recipients, you will only see one row and none of the recipients.

      • This view is best used to count the number of services since there’s one row per service.

      • You will be able to see the group_note_narrative. You will not be able to see the personal_note_narrative as the grain for this view is one row per service note.

    • Service Notes Recipients View:

      • Service Notes Recipients View contains all of the details about the service note for each of the recipients. There is one row per note per recipient, so if you have one service note with 3 people on it, you will see 3 rows for that note, and the group_note_narrative will be the same on each record.

      • This view is best used to understand how many times a person has received a specific service.

      • You will be able to see both the group_note_narrative and the personal_note_narrative fields in this view.