Prerequisites: Ensure you have administrative access to Casebook and the credentials for the SSO provider.
When SSO is set up with a Metadata URL, a new certificate will automatically replace the old one upon expiration. The rollover process is managed within the customer's SSO provider configuration. Some SSO providers, like Google, do not offer a URL but provide the metadata file for download. This file can be uploaded into Casebook using the provided link in the screenshot.
When a certificate expires, the SSO configuration in Casebook has to be deleted and re-added using a fresh metadata file from the SSO provider containing the new certificate.
Metadata URL Configuration:
Automatic Certificate Rollover:
- When SSO is configured using a Metadata URL, the rollover process is handled entirely within the customer's SSO provider configuration.
- A new certificate is seamlessly implemented once the old one expires.
- Casebook automatically picks up the new certificate once the old certificate expires.
Metadata File Configuration:
Providers like Google:
- Certain SSO providers, such as Google, do not offer a Metadata URL but provide a metadata file for download.
Certificate Expiry Handling:
- In scenarios where a certificate expires for file-based configurations, Casebook requires manual intervention.
- The SSO configuration in Casebook must be deleted and re-added using a fresh metadata file obtained from the SSO provider.
Uploading New Certificates:
Users need to download the updated metadata file from the SSO provider.
Having a clear understanding of certificate rollover and renewal is essential to ensure a secure and seamless SSO experience in Casebook. Whether you are using Metadata URLs for automatic certificate rollover or dealing with file-based configurations that require manual intervention, this guide equips administrators with the necessary information to effectively manage SSO certificates on the platform.