This article will give you some suggestions on how to track grants or financial assistance in Casebook.
There are multiple ways that your organization can track grants and financial assistance given to clients in Casebook. This article will go over some suggestions on how to do so. Please note that this is a list of suggested ways, and these items can be altered to fit your organization's needs.
cb Intake:
This largely depends on if your organization works with every client or organization that inquires with you or if you need to screen out based on eligibility. This can also depend on how you receive data about prospective clients.
cb Engage:
Create a case per client, household, or organization that your organization works with.
Enroll these clients into services to indicate what grant or financial service they are receiving.
Workflows can be used here for repeatable processes. For example, if your organization has a checklist for every Grant A you distribute, you could implement this with a Grant A workflow.
cb Track:
Create each grant as a provider with services being more detailed about what is being distributed.
Service offerings can and should include as much stable information as is available, including unit cost. If the service cost is variable, leave the unit cost field blank on the service offering, and this can be added during the service enrollment process on a case-by-case basis.
Suggested field uses:
Provider Name: Funding Source/Grant Name
Provider Type/Sub-type: Funding Category
Service Name: Name of item being distributed (Food card, gift card, monetary value)
Service Type: Category of item being distributed
Can use the Service Enrollments, People, and Case Involvements datasets to provide a comprehensive view of all information about the person (or organization) that receives the grant (service enrollment) and any case-specific data that is needed.
Below is a list of suggested datasets and the suggested fields to include:
Service Enrollments:
Provider_type and/or provider_subtype
Calculated Fields;
Month by month
Any demographic information
Any dynamic fields
Case Involvements:
Any case-specific information (case status, case type)
Any involvement or role information
Any dynamic fields