VOCA Reporting Using Casebook: Casebook Set Up

This article will walk you through how to set up and use Casebook to use our Pre-Built VOCA Report.

Our VOCA Report will be based on certain values that you will need to configure and use for the report to function correctly. If you are interested in our team pre-seeding these values for you, please contact your Onboarding Specialist or Customer Success Manager. 

The following values will need to be configured within cb Admin. Please be aware that these items are case-sensitive, so it's best to utilize copy/paste. 

People Fields:

  • Sex:
    • Male
    • Female
    • Transgender

cb Engage Fields:

  • Role: 
    • VOCA Client
  • Involvement Type:
    • Adult Physical Assault
    • Adult Sexual Assault
    • Adults Sexually Abused/Assaulted as Children
    • Arson
    • Burglary
    • Child Physical Abuse or Neglect
    • Child Sexual Abuse/Assault
    • Domestic Violence
    • DUI
    • Elder Abuse or Neglect
    • Hate Crime: Racial/Religious/Gender/ Sexual
    • Orientation/Other (Explanation Required)
    • Human Trafficking: Labor
    • Human Trafficking: Sex
    • Identity Theft/Fraud/Financial Crime
    • Kidnapping
    • Mass Violence (domestic/international)
    • Other Vehicular Crime (e.g. Hit and Run)
    • Robbery
    • Stalking/Harassment
    • Survivors of Homicide Victims
    • Teen Dating Violence
    • Terroristic Threats
    • Theft

Dynamic Fields - People:

  • VOCA Special Classification (self-reported): (Section Header)
    • (Yes/No Question) Veteran
    • (Yes/No Question) Homeless
    • (Yes/No Question) Immigrants/Refugees/Asylum Seekers
    • (Yes/No Question) Victims with Disabilities: Cognitive/ Physical /Mental
    • (Yes/No Question) LGBTQ+
    • (Yes/No Question) Deaf/Hard of Hearing
    • (Yes/No Question) Limited English Proficiency

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Provider Fields: 

  • Services: 
    • Type: VOCA Services
  • Provider: 
    • Type: VOCA Services
    • Sub-type: VOCA Services

You will also need to set up your Providers within cb Track in the following way: 

  1. Create a Parent Organization - “Tenant Name - VOCA”
    1. Type: VOCA Services
    2. Sub-Type: VOCA Services

2.   Create 5 different Providers under that Parent Organization ** ALL TYPES AND SUB-TYPES WILL EQUAL VOCA Services** 

    1. Information and Referral
    2. Personal Advocacy/Accompaniment
    3. Emotional Support or Safety Services
    4. Shelter/Housing Services
    5. Criminal/Civil Justice System Assistance
3.   Create Services under those Providers **ALL SERVICE TYPES WILL EQUAL 'VOCA Services'**:
    1. Under the Information and Referral provider, create the following services: 
      1. Information about the criminal justice process
      2. Information about victim rights, how to obtain notifications, etc
      3. Referral to other victim service programs
      4. Referral to other services, supports, and resources
    2. Under the Personal Advocacy/Accompaniment provider, create the following services: 
      1. Victim advocacy/accompaniment to emergency medical care
      2. Victim advocacy/accompaniment to medical forensic exam
      3. Law enforcement interview advocacy/accompaniment
      4. Individual advocacy
      5. Performance of forensic interview
      6. Immigration assistance
      7. Child or dependent care assistance
      8. Transportation assistance 
      9. Interpreter services
    3. Under the Emotional Support or Safety Services provider, create the following services: 
      1. Crisis intervention (in-person, includes safety planning)
      2. Hotline/ crisis line counseling
      3. Individual counseling
      4. On-scene crisis response (community response)
      5. Therapy
      6. Support groups
      7. Emergency financial assistance
    4. Under the Shelter/Housing Services provider, create the following services: 
      1. Emergency shelter or safe house
      2. Transitional housing
    5. Under the Criminal/Civil Justice System Assistance provider, create the following services: 
      1. Victim impact statement assistance
      2. Emergency justice related assistance
      3. Criminal advocacy accompaniment
      4. Civil advocacy accompaniment