Using Data Import Templates for Bulk Edits

Bulk editing existing records in Casebook is easy! Just go to Data in cb Admin to start.

NOTE: The maximum limit for each upload is 1,000 records. If your bulk update will exceed this limit, please break up to support the 1,000 record limit.


How does this feature work?

The Bulk Data Import (Update) Tool is accessible through cb Admin in each corresponding section of Casebook - People, Providers, and Cases. The tool consists of templates that can be downloaded, filled in, and re-uploaded into the system. 

The standard objects that can have data added into them through this tool are:

In each of the above articles, we specify the type of properties that can be updated on each record. Dynamic fields on the Case or Person record are included.

The following data is unable to be edited in a standard bulk edit import:

  • Notes

  • Attachments (uploads)

  • Services

  • User Assignments

  • User Action History (e.g. dates of historical data entry)

  • Relationships

Timing & Tips for Success:

  • Due to the limitations the existing tool, the main purpose is for bulk editing existing records. 

  • It is recommended that you review your data import source for quality (duplicates, dirty data, etc) prior to entering it into the Data Import Template. 

  • DO NOT copy and paste values into the spreadsheet. While this process can be quick and easy, it will break our validation rules on the spreadsheet and cause upload errors. 

  • Make sure you configure all fields, including creating all Dynamic Fields on the Person Profile or Case Record, BEFORE you download the template. In order for these fields to populate within the spreadsheet, they need to be configured first. 
  • When you re-upload your spreadsheet after receiving an error, you should re-upload the initial sheet you created, not the response. 
  • Spreadsheets should be used in Excel, not Google Sheets. 
  • The maximum number of records that can be uploaded at one time is 1K records 

Steps to Download the Spreadsheet: 

  1. Navigate to cb Admin > Providers/People/cb Engage > Data. 
  2. Click on 'Download data import spreadsheet' to download the sheet to your computer. 
  3. Fill out the data sheet using the following Knowledge Base articles here: 

Steps to Verifying Your Data: 

  1. After you've completed filling out the sheet, you can upload it to Casebook to verify your data. 
  2. Click on the 'Upload and verify data from spreadsheet' button. 
  3. Select the sheet to upload. 
  4. After you've successfully uploaded the sheet to be verified, another excel sheet will be automatically downloaded to your computer with verification results. 
  5. View the document to see the results of your data verification.  
    • After the Import operation column in each tab, there will be a new 'Import Status' column.
    • If it was successful, it should say 'Create Success.'
    • If it’s unsuccessful, the 'Import Error' section will tell you what went wrong. You can make changes to the sheet and upload it again to fix any errors.

Steps to Uploading the Spreadsheet: 

  1. After completely filling out the sheet and verifying the data, you can now import the spreadsheet to Casebook by clicking on the 'Import data from spreadsheet' button.
  2. Similar to the verification process, a sheet will automatically be downloaded when the import is complete. 
  3. View the document to confirm the import results. 
    • After the Import operation column in each tab, there will be a new 'Import Status' column.
    • If it was successful, it should say 'Create Success.'
    • If it’s unsuccessful, the 'Import Error' section will tell you what went wrong. You can make changes to the sheet and upload it again to fix any errors.