Please read this article before importing data.
Selecting the right tool for importing data into Casebook is crucial for a smooth experience.
Here's a quick guide to help you decide:
When to Use Spreadsheets: We recommend using spreadsheets for small, clean datasets—think 200 providers. It's perfect for straightforward imports and keeps things simple.
When to Opt for API Import: For larger or more complex datasets, we suggest using the API import approach. This method is better suited for handling more extensive and intricate data sets; please discuss this with your CSM for more details.
Choosing the Best Fit: Consider the size and complexity of your data when deciding between spreadsheets and API. Spreadsheets offer simplicity for smaller sets, while API import ensures efficiency for larger and intricate datasets.
Note: If you are using Bulk Import to update Provider Records, you will need to match the Provider ID and Provider Name in Casebook to the Import Sheet. To do this, pull a report in cb Reporting that contains the provider_id and provider_name fields and use these values when filling out the import sheet.
Explanation of Each Tab in Order
- Column A: Unique ID
- Create a Unique ID for each address in this sheet.
- You can generate UUIDs here:
- Column B: Address 1
- The first line of the provider's address.
- Column C: Address 2
- The second line of the provider's address, if applicable.
- Column D: City
- The name of the provider's city.
- Column E: State
- The abbreviation of the provider's state.
- Format Example: WA
- Column F: Zip Code
- The zip code of the provider's address.
- Column G: County
- Select the county for the provider's address from the dropdown menu.
- Column I: Country
- The provider's country for the address.
- Column J: Notes
- Notes about the provider's location/address.
- Column K - Required: Import Operation
- Select an action from the dropdown menu.
- If you are updating existing information, then you'd select Update.
- Note: After you've uploaded the sheet to cb Admin, you'll see the results of your import in the column after Import Operation.
- Column A: Unique ID
- Create a Unique ID for each license in this sheet.
- You can generate UUIDs here:
- Column B - Required: License Type
- Select the provider's license type from the dropdown menu.
- Column D: Started On
- Write the start date of the provider's license.
- Format: MM/DD/YYYY
- Column E: Ended On
- Write the expiration date of the provider's license.
- Format: MM/DD/YYYY
- Column F - Required: License Status
- Select the provider's license status from the dropdown menu.
- Column H - Required: Import Operation
- Select an action from the dropdown menu.
- If you are updating existing information, then you'd select Update.
- Note: After you've uploaded the sheet to cb Admin, you'll see the results of your import in the column after Import Operation.
- Column A: Unique ID
- Leave this blank. It will automatically be generated after the import has been completed.
- Column B: License ID
- To apply these conditions to a specific license, you will need to copy and paste the license ID from Column A in the Licenses tab.
- Column C: Gender
- If the provider has gender conditions, select the applicable choice from the dropdown menu.
- Column E: Minimum Age
- If the provider has a minimum age requirement, write in the minimum age here.
- Format: 11
- Note: Only use numbers in this column.
- Column F: Maximum Age
- If the provider has a maximum age requirement, write in the maximum age here.
- Format: 21
- Note: Only use numbers in this column.
- Column G: Other Condition
- If the provider has any other license conditions, you would write it in here.
- Column H - Required: Import Operation
- Select an action from the dropdown menu.
- If you are updating existing information, then you'd select Update.
- Note: After you've uploaded the sheet to cb Admin, you'll see the results of your import in the column after Import Operation.
- Column A: Unique ID
- Create a Unique ID for each provider in this sheet.
- You can generate UUIDs here:
- Column B - Required: Provider Name
- Name of provider.
- Column C: EIN
- The provider's employer identification number, if applicable.
- Column D - Required: Provider Type
- Select the type of provider from the dropdown menu.
- Column F - Required: Provider Status
- Select the provider's status from the dropdown menu.
- Column H - Required: Provider Subtype
- Select the provider's subtype from the dropdown menu.
- Column J: Phone Number
- The provider's phone number.
- Format: (XXX) XXX-XXXX
- Example: (777) 888-9999
- Column K: Email Address
- The provider's email address.
- Column L: Accredited
- Select whether or not the provider is accredited.
- Column M: Under Contract
- Select whether or not the provider is under contract.
- Column N: Organization ID
- Write in the provider's organization ID, if applicable.
- Column O: Location ID
- If you filled out the locations tab in the spreadsheet, you will need to copy and paste the location ID from Column A of the Locations tab to link the data to this provider.
- Column P: License ID
- If you filled out the licenses tab in the spreadsheet, you will need to copy and paste the license ID from Column A of the Licenses tab to link the data to this provider.
- Column Q - Required: Import Operation
- Select an action from the dropdown menu.
- If you are updating existing information, then you'd select Update.
- Note: After you've uploaded the sheet to cb Admin, you'll see the results of your import in the column after Import Operation.
- Column A: Unique ID
- Leave this blank. It will automatically be generated after the import has been completed.
- Column B: Service Type
- Select the service type from the dropdown menu.
- Column D: Provider ID
- To link these services to the correct provider, you'll need to copy and paste the provider ID from Column A of the Providers tab here.
- Column E: Name
- The name of the service.
- Column F: Max Capacity
- The maximum capacity for the service.
- Format: 20
- Note: Only use numbers in this column.
- Column G: Delivery Unit
- Select the unit of delivery for the service from the dropdown menu.
- For example, if the service is offered per session, you would select session.
- Column I: Unit Type
- Select the unit type for the service from the dropdown menu.
- Column K: Unit Cost
- The cost of the service, if applicable.
- Note: The Unit Cost is in USD. If you use a dollar sign $ before the number, it will only display the number.
- Column L - Required: Import Operation
- Select an action from the dropdown menu.
- If you are updating existing information, then you'd select Update.
- Note: After you've uploaded the sheet to cb Admin, you'll see the results of your import in the column after Import Operation.