Form Components

Each form is made up of form components. These are sections that allow you to add information to the form by typing in text or clicking a button or checking a box.

Form Components

Each form is made up of form components. These are sections that allow you to add information to the form by typing in text or clicking a button or checking a box.

Each form component is further customizable. See Form Component Customizations for more information.

Basic Components

  • text field form component requires users to enter a few words. One text field form component can be called “School Name” and requires users to enter the name of a school.
  • text area form component requires users to enter several sentences. One text area form component can be called “Narrative” and requires users to explain what happened during an incident. 
  • number form component requires users to enter a number. One number form component can be called “Age” and requires users to enter a child’s age.
  • password form component requires users to enter a password. One password form component can require users to create a password that’s at least six digits long with at least one letter and one number.
  • checkbox form component requires users to check a box or leave it unchecked. One checkbox form component can be called “Clean?” and requires users to indicate whether or not a facility is clean.
  • select boxes form component requires users to check several boxes or leave them unchecked. One select boxes from the component can be called “Safe?” and requires users to indicate whether or not a facility is safe.
  • select form component requires users to select an option from a dropdown. One select form component can be called “Family member” and requires users to select from a dropdown of words that include, “Parent,” “Sibling,” or “Grandparent.”
  • radio button form component requires users to click a radio button or leave it un-clicked. One radio button form component can be called “Enough food?” and requires users to indicate whether or not a facility has enough food.
  • button form component requires users to click the button in order to do something. One button form component can be called “Submit” and requires users to click it to submit a form.

Advanced Components

  • An email form component requires users to enter an email address, like 
  • URL form component requires users to enter a URL, like
  • phone number form component requires users to enter a phone number, like 555-123-7654.
  • tag form component allows you to create a field with custom values. You can require users to enter whatever you need them to enter.
  • An address form component requires users to enter an address, like 123 Main Street.
  • date/time form component requires users to enter a date and time, like Thursday, October 10th, 2019, 12:00 pm.
  • day form component requires users to enter a day, like Saturday, October 12th, 2019.
  • time form component requires users to enter a time like 11:30 am.
  • currency form component requires users to enter an amount of money under a specified type of currency. One currency form component can be called “British Pounds” and requires users to enter the number of British pounds someone has.
  • survey form component requires users to fill out a survey.
  • signature form component requires users to digitally sign their name.

Layout Components

  • An HTML element form component allows you to create a field and add in your own HTML code.
  • content form component allows you to create a field with custom content.
  • column form component allows you to create a field with a number of columns.
  • A field set form component allows you to create fields within other fields.
  • A panel form component allows you to create separators and borders to change the layout of the form.
  • A table form component allows you to create a table.
  • A tab form component allows you to create several tabs with different information on each tab in one box.
  • A well form component gives you empty space to add in your own custom CSS code and logic. It also allows you to group other components together.

Data Components

  • The data grid form components all allow you to create subsets of forms.