Funding Sources

Funding overview

Tracking your organization’s funding in Casebook can eliminate headaches around grant reporting and ensures data accuracy based on point-in-time calculations. This article will go over how to create a fund, how to associate services with a fund, how spend down is calculated, and how to report on funds.

The Funding Source feature is available exclusively to Enterprise customers. If you're interested in upgrading your plan, please contact your Customer Success Manager for more information.

Create a new Fund| Fund spend down calculations| Reporting on Funding Sources

Funds workload view

The funds workload view provides a high-level overview of the funds in Casebook. From this page, you can understand the financial state of the funds and their associated services. Click the carrot icon on the left-hand side of the data grid to expand the row and view more detailed data around spend down on a service level. 

Screenshot 2024-07-26 at 11-02-16 AMCreate a new fund

To create a new fund in Casebook, navigate to Track, select the + button in the bottom right-hand corner, and select Create fund. A modal will appear where you can add several pieces of key information around the fund. 

  • Fund name (required): This is the name you provide for the fund and how this fund will be identified in Casebook. Example: Emergency Solutions Grants Program 2024
  • Labels: Labels that are built out in Admin to categorize items in Casebook. Example: Federal ; Homeless Program
  • Funder (required): Organization or entity that provides the fund to your organization. Example: State of Texas
  • Amount (required): Amount the fund is for. (This will be used in calculations) Example: 10,000
  • Funding dates (required): The start and end dates that the fund is valid for. Example: 1/1/2024 - 12/31/2024
  • Description: Any additional information or notes you wish to provide about the fund. Example: The Emergency Solutions Grants program, formerly the Emergency Shelter Grants Program, is a competitive grant that awards funds to private nonprofit organizations, cities, and counties in the State of Texas to provide the services necessary to help persons that are at-risk of homelessness or homeless quickly regain stability in permanent housing. The ESG program is funded by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and is administered by the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (TDHCA) in the State of Texas. 

Next, you’ll need to associate service offerings with your fund using the data grid. You must first have created providers and services in Track. If you have not done so, please pause your fund creation process and build out your services. 

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Using this data grid, you can select as many services as you wish to tie to this fund by using the checkboxes on the left-hand side. After you select the service offerings, you’ll need to designate how your organization will track service delivery in the most right column. This can be done by either using Service Enrollments OR Services Notes. Please note that for calculation purposes, you must designate one method per service offering. To add a tracking method, double-click into the cell and select either Service Enrollments or Service Notes from the drop-down list.

Please note that you must add a tracking method for each service you have associated. Once you finish configuring the services, select save. 

Fund spend down calculations

Fund spend will be calculated based on Service Enrollments and/or Service Notes that are delivered during the funding period. The following fields will be used to calculate spend:

  • If the service tracking method is set to Service Notes:
    • A service will be considered delivered and spent based on the values in the Start Date and End Date fields on the note. 
    • The value of the Total Cost field on the Service Note will be used in the spent calculation. 
    • Please note that date fields are required. 
  • If the service tracking method is set to Service Enrollments:
    • A service will be considered delivered and spent based on the values in the Planned Start Date and Planned End Date or Actual End Date fields on the enrollment. 


    • Service Enrollment Status = In Progress or Ended. 
  • The value of the Total Cost field on the Service Enrollment will be used in the spent calculation. 
  • Please note that date fields are required. 

Once you designate a tracking method for a service offering, it is important that all staff at your organization understand the process needed for services to be spent from the fund. Users will also need to ensure that the Total Cost field contains the cost for the service that should be spent from the fund. 

Service delivery scenarios


  • Service Delivery 1: In this scenario, the service delivery starts after the fund begins and ends before the fund ends. The whole cost of this service will be included in the fund spend down. 
  • Service Delivery 2: In this scenario, the service delivery starts before the fund begins but ends before the fund ends. The cost for this service will not be included in the fund spend down.
  • Service Delivery 3: In this scenario, the service delivery starts after the fund begins but ends after the fund ends. The cost for this service will not be included in the fund spend down.    
  • Service Delivery 4: In this scenario, the service delivery starts and ends before the fund begins. The cost for this service will not be included in the fund spend down. 
  • Service Delivery 5: In this scenario, the service delivery starts and ends after the fund begins. The cost for this service will not be included in the fund spend down. 

Reporting on funding sources

There are three new datasets available for reporting on funding sources. 

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  • Dataset: Funding Sources
    • Grain: One row per funding source, per service offering.
    • Fields:  fund_name, description, source, service_name, fund_amount (come from total amount field in fund component), amount_spent (calculated based on service delivery), amount_remaining (calculated based on service delivery), fund_started_date, fund_ended_date, service_offering_id, fund_id
    • This dataset can be used to report on monetary data for your funds in Casebook or can be joined with other datasets. 
  • Dataset: Funding Sources People
    • Grain: One row per funding source, per service enrollment/service note per person.
    • Fields: person_name, service_name, fund_name, service_delivery_type (enrollment or note), person_id, service_delivery_id, service_id, fund_id
    • This dataset can be used to report on how many people have been served by a fund or can be joined with other datasets. 
  • Dataset: Funding Sources Resources
    • Grain: One row per funding source, per service enrollment/service note.
    • Fields: service_name, fund_name, service_delivery_type (tracking_method from service_offering_funding_sources), unit_cost, total_cost, units, service_delivery_id, service_id, fund_id, outside_funding_dates (flag for when a service delivery starts or ends outside of funding dates)
    • Please note: The outside_funding_date_range field will only be accurate for service deliveries created after the release of this feature.
    • This dataset can be used to report on how many instances of service deliveries are associated with a fund or can be joined with other datasets. 

Reporting scenarios

Reporting on Funding Sources with other data in Casebook will require joining datasets. The following scenarios are possible: 

  • Funding Sources (all views) joined with Service Enrollment (all views) joined with Cases (all views)
  • Funding Sources (all views) joined with People (demographics)
  • Funding Sources (all views) joined with Service Enrollment (all views) joined with Service Notes 

The following scenarios will not be possible: 

  • Funding Sources (all views) joined with Service Enrollment (all views) joined with Service Notes Recipients
  • Funding Sources (all views) joined with Service Notes (all views) joined with Cases (all views)

Things to note: 

  • Service offerings can only be associated with one fund. If a service offering is already tied to a fund, this will be indicated in the Associated Services data grid. 
  • Frontline workers, such as case managers, must use relevant date fields on service enrollments and service notes for that instance of service delivery to be spent on the fund. 
  • By default, Funding Sources permissions will come with the Provider Supervisor role but it can be added to custom roles as view/edit/create/delete.
  • If fund dates are edited after services are spent down from the fund, the financial data will re-calculate based on the new funds dates. This might exclude service deliveries that were previously included, and/or will potentially include new services that were not included in the spent prior to changes to the fund’s dates.
  • The amount of people on a note will not be taken into consideration for fund spend down. Fund spend down is based on the Total Cost field on the Service Enrollment or Service Note. 


Fund Extensions

If your organization receives an extension on your fund, there are two ways to track this in Casebook. 

  1. If your organization needs to track data from the original fund and compare it to data during the extension period, it's best practice to create a new fund to distinguish financial data between the time frames. 
  2. If your organization does not need the level of granularity in your data, you may simply change the end date on your fund to reflect the extension date. 


These Articles May Be Helpful: 

Documenting Service Delivery

Enrolling a Client into a Service

Casebook Service Notes